Welcome to another edition of Responsible Traveller.

In this edition we celebrate Travel in Africa…

And more specifically responsible tourism in Africa. A visit to Africa is on many people’s bucket list, with it’s glorious weather, azure blue seas and safari opportunities. Many young people choose Africa for a ‘gap year’ , feeling the need to ‘offer their services’ in some manner. Which is all well and good, if the ‘some manner’ is chosen wisely. The ‘where’, and ‘who with’ needs to be considered even more so. We feature a number of
responsible conservation volunteering options, such as the International Marine Volunteers in Gansbaai and the Zululand Conservation Experience with African Insight. We revisit the wise words of the late Paul Mediema about Voluntourism – Paul was a stalwart in this industry and he will be sorely missed, but his legacy lives on in the company and cause he loved… Calabash Tours and Foundation.

Responsible Traveller digital mag has the privilege of once again being a media partner for the African Responsible Tourism Awards as well as
for WTM Africa – and proudly feature it’s Responsible Tourism programme: the speakers and panelists, programmes and topics of discussion as well as the complete Long List of nominees for the African Responsible Tourism Awards. Compiling this edition has once again made me exceptionally proud to be part of this change for good within the tourism industry.

But as I have said on numerous occasions, the responsibility of being a responsible traveller lies ultimately with the person travelling and the choices they make. It’s about choosing to not waste water, to switch off when you leave the room, to stay, shop, experience and eat local… thereby providing employment and contributing to the local economy. By choosing to have conversations with locals and experiencing the ‘real’ destination, you add value and return home with irreplaceable memories.

Enjoy the read… and be the difference.

Read the Responsible Traveller digital mag HERE
